Murder mystery mayflower pub

Mayflower pub is a typical neighbourhood pub with a cosy atmosphere thanks to its dark oak furniture, crimson velvet curtains and quotes on porcelain plaques hung on the walls.

The regulars exchange the latest gossip and developments. Everyone is fluent and articulate. Not a single subject is ignored while the beer flows freely. New guests are assessed and evaluated. Everyone thinks they know each other, until the landlord is murdered.

Order your murder mystery game

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Several names were incorrect? Like Stan in Carry's file, while there was no Stan in the game. Round 3 was uncleae.

Gaelle Bequet

The idea of the game is nice, but the implementation is less. The rules of the game were unclear, players had not enough information from their murder file. For example: - halfway through the game a number of players suddenly thought of themselves as the murderer because it was not clear to them that they were only "suspicious" (this is also be the case with Cluedo). - as a result, when entering the suspects, a number of players also said "Why am I at the top?", so that other players immediately knew who the suspects were (which makes the game considerably less fun). - the information is not always easy (logical) to extract from the app. It would be more logical to have all the information in the murder file, in order to have a complete overview. All in all, with this knowledge, the game could be really fun, but playing the first time was challenging and not a huge success.


We played this murder mystery game during our friends weekend out. It was a fun activity, all dressed up, the room decorated in style and each with a mysterious murder file of its own. The game itself is set up very nicely, but it is a bit complicated. The explanation may be a bit clearer, what kind of information do you share for each round, how do you share the information (in the group, in pairs) .. Otherwise, it soon becomes a reading round. Also the combination of a murder file and the app is a bit much, perhaps making the app more extensive and then using only that seemed like a good option. Also a timetable about how long everything should last, because in the end we took 2.5 hours. That was a bit too long. Maybe we should have prepared better, but there is room for improvement. In short: a fun activity, definitely recommended, but it can still be refined 🙂

Casper Mol

Het was een erg leuk spel, iedereen was verkleed en goed aan het acteren. Erg leuk om eens op deze manier met je vrienden te communiceren. Goede rollen ook en leuke rondes, echt een aanrader


We hebben een leuke avond gehad. Dit komt mede omdat de deelnemers zich hadden voorbereid en leuk hadden gekleed. Het spel is vanaf een mobiel apparaat wat lastig te spelen. De schermen lopen van het beeld.

Susan van der Burg

Wij vonden het een erg leuk spel! Soms waren de opdrachten door het informatie filmpje wat vaag. Vooral het verhoor en de sporen vonden wij wat lastig, maar we kwamen er wel uit hoor! We gaan het zeker nog een keer spelen want ik denk dat het dan nog leuker wordt! Dan heb je er al ervaring mee. Bedankt!

Frodo Gaymans

We hebben een super geslaagde oudjaarsavond gehad met het moordspel. We waren met 10 man, wat wel veel was om alle informatie over alibi's en verhaallijnen scherp te houden.


Heel erg leuk om te doen! Top avond gehad


Onwijs leuke avond gehad

Edith van Meningen

Leuk! Wel een beetje ingewikkeld. Had pas aan het eind van het spel door hoe ik dingen beter had kunnen spelen. Iets meer uitleg over de exacte rol en de plek van het motief in het spel was waarschijnlijk prettig geweest. Verder snapte ik niets van die sporen en ook niet hoe ik er achter moest komen hoe aan andere sporen te komen.